The 8 Best Red Light Therapy Home Devices (2024)

best red light therapy devices for the skin

Red light therapy home devices make the most cost-effective technology to transform your skin, leaving it looking vibrant, youthful, and with an undeniable glow. Harnessing the power of LED light therapy, this innovative skincare technique has taken the beauty world by storm, including celebrities such as Chrissy Teigen, Victoria Beckham, Julia Roberts, Kelly Rowland, Lena … Read more

The 4 Best Nasal Red Light Therapy Devices (for Sinuses)

intranasal red ligth therapy devices

Sneezing, runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, and coughing – are all the common symptoms of allergic rhinitis, colds, flu, and sinusitis (caused by allergy). Can intranasal red light therapy be your almost instant, drug-free solution for these disturbing symptoms? Science and my personal experience say YES. A small, easy-to-use nasal LED Light therapy device … Read more